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Naomi Wolf says Bill Gates is destroying Western freedom and ushering in a “bio-security state”

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Friday, April 16, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

Liberal author Naomi Wolf spoke the other day with conservative radio show host Eric Metaxas about billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, whom she says is steering the entire world into medical police state tyranny.

Gates, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and communist China are all part of a “hellish amalgamation,” Wolf says, that is issuing a “directive” to governments all around the world to keep everyone on lock-down for as long as possible.

Gates in particular is pushing what she describes as a “bio-security state in which the freedoms and liberties of the West will be suspended.” Meanwhile, the mainstream media and many government leaders still claim that Gates is just a “benevolent donor” and “world influencer.”

Contrary to how he presents himself, Gates is about as trustworthy as garden gnome Anthony Fauci. Both trolls have global depopulation on their minds, and Gates especially, thanks to his billions in ill-gotten gains, is actively advancing his eugenics agenda via the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic.

“Unfortunately the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds our major media,” she is quoted as saying.

The New York Times got millions in funding; the Guardian got millions in funding; the CDC foundation gets $12-17 million a year from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the Telegraph gets millions, NPR gets millions.”

“Unfortunately the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds our major media,” she is quoted as saying.

Wolf has spent a lot of time gathering this information from available sources. Her own personal investigation into the Gates Foundation’s financial records reveals a sordid tale of money flow from Gates to mostly the media, but also to K-12 education.

Gates is also heavily invested in Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections, “passports,” and other plandemic paraphernalia that he has been pushing aggressively ever since this whole thing began back in early 2020.

“It’s a completely closed circle,” Wolf says about the Gates finance and influence empire.

“So, the CDC does what Bill Gates wants, The New York Times does what Bill Gates wants, The Guardian does what Bill Gates wants.”