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Try this for a lark! No, I mean try this, it is bound to work!

This is what I did, many years ago, and I guess I still do at times!   
If you love to sing, it should not feel so painful!

Ask yourself why you have nerves….??? Is it because you are scared of singing off-key some of the time?

Is it due to worry about the sound system and whether you will be picked up properly, without feedback?

Are you afraid the audience will not like your voice?

I can advise you to sing in front of as many strangers as you can. Not so that you make yourself look silly, but in stores when talking to another customer or the cashier.

Ask them first, if they minded hearing one verse of the song you will be singing, (or another song that might appeal to them more) and say you want their opinion.

They will be intrigued, and say “Go ahead.” And so you do! Only one verse, do not make it long as they or others will become impatient. You may get some constructive criticism back, or you may get huge encouragement. Either way, no-one would say you cannot sing, as you obviously can, to be singing a solo part.

The main thing is not particularly what comments you get back, but that you are singing to strangers! If you do this enough, no matter how embarrassed you might feel, you WILL become less self-conscious, and your confidence will soar sky-high and you will be able to shake most of those nerves. The normal adrenaline nerves you might be left with, will get you to perform well, so do not worry about that.

Confidence is THE most important factor in singing when you can already sing well. Having this wonderful asset, will turn you into a far better performer than you are now. It will help you to really project, and to go for those high notes without missing the pitch.

Let me know about my questions to you, as I can help there also. I am a professional singer/guitarist from the UK, and am happy to share some secrets to success, no charge!